We are excited to be building Salvo, a new approach to help millions of Americans facing chronic conditions via specialty medicine virtual clinics. Salvo is backed by leading health care investors from innovators like Livongo, Ro, Ginger, Forward, Brightline, and others. We are taking on four key shortcomings with the reality of current American healthcare: 1) Episodic Appointments versus Continuous Intervention: Today to see a top specialist doctor usually means searching around, waiting weeks or months for a new patient appointment, driving to a crowded waiting room, all to spend ten to twenty minutes with a physician. And the doctor might suggest a pill, encourage better diet and exercise, and then run to their next patient... with a follow-up visit a few months later. The reality of combating chronic complex conditions requires instead a lot of "wraparound" support daily from experts. 2) One-size-fits-all versus Personalized Care Plans: Care today too often starts and stops with a prescription for medications as the only plan-- even though they may just mask the root cause, and have complicated side effects. Salvo physicians will be able to write prescriptions, but their goal is to develop the right personalized and comprehensive plans for patients. 3) Palliative band-aids versus Root cause understanding: Inspired by functional medicine experts among our medical advisors, Salvo aims to go beyond efforts to mask symptoms and instead find root cause imbalances or disorders underlying health problems. Salvo aims to assemble a team of experts who can design protocols for our comprehensive care plans, across nutrition, sleep, emotional health, exercise, gut biome health, and other key areas. 4) Expensive + Complicated versus Affordable + Convenient: US health costs are spiraling out of control. Salvo aims to bend the cost curve, using technology and a direct-to-consumer model to make quality care more affordable and as convenient as an app on your phone.